Unfortunately, they’ll tell you that somebody else has already captured something much larger! Return to the fisherman to obtain more advice. You should quickly be rewarded by a large, prize winning turbot, worthy of showing to the royal advisor. Fishing spots are bountiful around the beach and the river by the square, so pick one and try it out! Once delivered, he’ll advise you that fishing is all a state of mind, and your mood has everything to do with what you’ll catch, encouraging you to try it out. If you choose the fisherman who wants the apple, head on down to the village shoppe and pay three simmoles for one. This is the big choice in the quest, so choose carefully! Choosing the Apple One fisherman wants an apple, while the other wants some eel stew. As quest NPCs, these two fishermen aren’t going to be leaving the beach.Īsking each fisherman for advice will get you an accusation that the other one is crazy, and an order for a snack delivery in exchange for their help. Guess we’ll see! When you’re ready, head down to the docks. The catch is that one or the other of them is pruportedly crazy, and the advisor can’t remember which one. Once the matter of the entrance fee is taken care of, you’ll be advised to talk with previous winners of the competition hanging around the docks. Either choice will get you the same results. If your hero is already friendly with the royal advisor, this is an obvious choice! Otherwise it’s simply whether you want to spend the money or spend a little time chit chatting.

The latter option requires that you build up a bit of a rapport with the royal advisor, though you don’t quite have to become friends with them. You can either pay the entry fee and get on with your day, or you can try to convince the royal advisor to waive the fee. Once you speak to him or her, you’ll be confronted with an entrance fee of one hundred simoles. As your monarch’s right hand, this person can just about always be found wandering around inisde the castle, any hour of the day or night. To begin the quest, you must first speak to the royal advisor about the fishing competition.

“The Fisherman’s Challenge” is a quest that pops up early in a lot of kingdom ambitions in Sims Medieval simply because any hero can complete it! For the cost of three quest points, you’ll be rewarded with 30 RP for your kingdom, 1,000 simoles and 800 XP for your participating hero, and a small boost to your kingdom’s well being and cultural aspects.